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The Rise Christianity

  • Roman power spread to Judea, the home of the Jews, around 63 B.C.
  • At first the Jewish kingdom remained independent, at least in name. Rome then took control of the Jewish kingdom in A.D. 6 and made it a province of the empire.
  • According to biblical tradition, God had promised that a savior known as the Messiah would arrive and restore the kingdom of the Jews.
  • historians believe that sometime around 6 to 4 B.C., a Jew named Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea.
  • raised in the village of Nazareth in northern Palestine
  • baptized by a prophet known as John the Baptist
  • preached, taught, did good works, and reportedly performed miracles
  • teachings contained many ideas from Jewish tradition, such as monotheism, or belief in only one god, and the principles of the Ten Commandments.
  • emphasized God’s personal relationship to each human being. 
  •  stressed the importance of people’s love for God, their neighbors, their enemies, and even themselves
  • God would end wickedness in the world and would establish an eternal kingdom after death for people who sincerely repented their sins.
  • The main source of information about his teachings are the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible.
  •  Gospels are thought to have been written by one or more of Jesus’ disciples, or pupils.
  •  These 12 men later came to be called apostles.
  • He attracted large crowds, and many people were touched by his message.
  • ignored wealth and status, his message had special appeal to the poor
Jesus' Death
  • Jesus’ growing popularity concerned both Roman and Jewish leaders.
  • When Jesus visited Jerusalem about A.D. 29, enthusiastic crowds greeted him as the Messiah
  • or king—the one whom the Bible had said would come to rescue the Jews
  •  chief priests of the Jews denied that Jesus was the Messiah
  •  said his teachings were blasphemy, or contempt for God
  • Pontius Pilate accused Jesus of defying the authority of Rome
  •  Pilate arrested Jesus and sentenced him to be crucified, or nailed to a large wooden cross to die
  •  Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb.
  • According to the Gospels, three days later his body was gone, and a living Jesus began appearing to his followers.
  • he ascended into heaven
  •  apostles were more convinced than ever that Jesus was the Messiah
  • Jesus came to be referred to as Jesus Christ.
  •  Christos is a Greek word meaning “messiah” or “savior.” 
  • The name Christianity was derived from “Christ.”
