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3 Branches of Government + the Republic

  • democracy- the people's assembly and the tribunes
  • aristocracy- the senate - 300 members
  • monarchy- the consuls
  • not a tyranny- eww.. too scary. A mistake the Romans did not care to repeat
  • originally, the US modeled their new government on the model used by the ancient Romans
  • is it exactly the same? not quite....
  • both have 3 branches of government
    • executive
    • legislative
    • judicial
  • both have a legal code

Executive ~ Rome
  • two consuls
  • one year terms
  • each has veto power
  • controls the military
  • could appoint a dictator in a crisis for a 6 month term 
Executive ~ US
  • President ( + VP)
  • four year terms
  • can veto proposed laws
  • commander - in - chief of the military
Legislative ~ Rome
  • Senate - 300 people- aristocrats- member for life
  • assemblies (centuriate or tribal)
  • 193 members (later 373)- members for life
Legislative ~ US
  • Senate - 100 senators (two from each state)- six year terms
  • House of Representatives - 435 members
    • 55 from CA
    • 8 from MD
    • 1 for
      • AK
      • DE
      • MT
      • ND
      • SB
      • VT
      • WY
Judicial ~ Rome
  • praetors
  • chosen by the Centuriate assembly
  • one year terms
Judicial ~ US
  • Supreme Court
  • nine members
  • lifetime terms
  • appointed by the president, confirmed by the senate

