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Plato's allegory of the Cave

allegory- story, poem, or picture that contains a hidden moral or message
  • Koans
  • synchronicity
  • confined since birth
  • chained facing wall
  • only light was fire behind them
  • identify things they'd see
    • didn't see them directly; shadow
  • found the light disorienting
  • shadows appeared much clearer
  • light is the ultimate source of everything he has seen
  • when tries to free others, they think he is dumb and refuse/ resist to come out to the real world
  • most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance but hostile to anyone who points it out
  • two different signs
    • no Athenian democracy
    • yes Philosopher kings
  • things in the physical world are flawed reflections
  • ideal forms exist in the mind of a creator
  • grouping actual things into abstract terms
  • to wonder if the things outside the cave are any more real than the shadows
