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Ancient Greece project

Today was our final class time to work on our Ancient Greece projects that are due Tuesday. My group went to the art wing to finish our vase. We attached the new, smoothed it out, added handles, and a seashell to it. Mr. Gaudreau said he would put it i the kiln either tonight or Monday so we will have time to paint it before the due date. Jillian finished the paper so that's out of the way. So all we have to do over the weekend is set up our presentation. Kelsie is making a powerpoint talking about art in Ancient Greece and I'm making a video showing how we made our vase. Before this week started, my group didn't even know what our topic is. But now, we're over halfway done and will be ready to present on Tuesday. I'm really proud of my group on how far we've come and I'm excited to see the finished project.
