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Alexander's Empire

Philip Builds Macedonia Empire

  • Philip is Alexander's dad and king of Macedonia
  • King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and WON!
  • He was going to conquer Persia, but he was murdered 
Alexander Names Himself King at 20 years old
  • Alexander defeats Persia (Darius III)
    • when young tutored by Aristotle, and relied on the Illiad
  • Alexander vs Darius
    • A is outnumbered by Darius's army, but wins anyways
    • Crowned Pharaoh in 332 BC he told them he was a God
  • Alexander's Army moves East to Mesopotamia
  • Darius's army outnumbered again with HUGE army; Battle at Gaugamela
  • Alexander used Phalanx and won, again
  • Alexander continues East to Persepolis, burned and destroyed it (took money/gold)
Alexander's Other Conquests
  • now reigned as unchallenged ruler of Southwest Asia
  • 326 BCE Hydaspes River, defeats India
  • been fighting for 11 years and marched 11,000 miles
    • army turned home
  • 323 BC Army reaches Babylon
    • Alexander settled there
  • Alexander died at 32 years old
    • never carried out full plan
    • fever? killed by own people?
