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Test and Notes pages 134-141

Yesterday in class we took our test on Ancient Greece. I studied really hard and I hoped it payed off. I only struggled with a few questions but other than that I think I did pretty well. We also took notes from the notebook.

  • Direct democracy-  A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives 
  • Classics art-  values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion became the standard 
  • Tragedy-  A serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal 
  • Comedy-  slapstick situations and crude humor 
  • Peloponnesion War-  A war lasting from 431 - 404 BC in which Athens and it’s allies were defeated by Sparta and its allies 
  • Philosophers - “ lovers of wisdom”
  • Socrates-  Believed that absolute standards did exist for truth and justice 
  • Plato-  student of Socrates, wrote down the conversation of Socrates “ as a means of philosophical investigation”
  • Aristotle-  questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought, and knowledge 
