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Pages 134-141 notes

  • Pericles held onto popular support for 32 years
  • a skilful politician, inspiring speaker, and a respected general
  • dominated life of Athens from 461 to 429 bc
    • Age of Pericles
  • He had three goals
    • to strengthen Athenian democracy
    • hold and strengthen the empire
    • to glorify Athens
  • Pericles increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries
  • most positions in public office were unpaid
  • only wealthier Athenian citizens could afford to hold public office
  • now, even the poorest citizen could serve if elected
  • had more citizens engaged in self-government than any other city-state in Greece
  • Athens helped organize the Delian league
  • Athens took over leadership of the league and dominated all the city-states in it
  • Pericles used the money from the league's treasury to make the Athenian navy the strongest in the Mediterranean
  • pericles also used money from the Delian league to beautify Athens
  • Pericles' goal was to have the greatest Greek artists and architects create magnificent sculptures and buildings to glorify Athens 
  • The Parthenon, a masterpiece of architectural design and craftsmanship, was not unique in style
  • The Greeks invented drama as an art form and built the first theatres in the west
  • No written records from Dorian period
  • As Athens grew in wealth, prestige, and power, other city-states began to view it with hostility
  • peace did not last long
  • Athenians lost confidence in democratic government and began to question their values
