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Warring City-States

  • polis- a city-state
  • agora- marketplace
  • acropolis- fortified hilltop
  • monarchy- a single person, called a king, ruled by a government
  • aristocracy- a government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families
  • oligarchy- a government ruled by a few powerful people
  • tyrants- nobles or other wealthy citizens
  • aristocrats- members of the ruling class
  • democracy- rule by the people
  • helots- peasants forced to stay on the land they worked
  • phalanx- the most powerful fighting force in the ancient world
  • persian wars- between Greece and the Persian empire in Ionia on the coast of Anatolia

  • during the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in most of Greece
  • really?!? back then, rich people wielded much more influence in society and held much more governmental power than the middle class or the poor?
  • Gee, what would THAT be like?
  • aristocrats attended symposiums, meetings where the elite men would enjoy wine, poetry, and performances by dancers and singers
