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posting this at 12:05 am on Sunday pls count it
  • no women (except the “entertainment”)
  • no middle class
  • certainly, no slaves
  • sometimes, even certain aristocrats (who didn’t have the right connections or who fell out of favor) were excluded
  • what to do if you’re “on the outside”?
  • sometimes aristocrats would form alliances with hoplites (well-armed soldiers), and set up an alternative form of gov’t called a tyranny
  • tyrant: someone who rules outside the framework of the polis
  • modern meaning of tyrant: an abusive or oppressive ruler
  • the Greek meaning of tyrant: someone who simply seized power (usually with hoplite help)
  • Draco (621 BCE)
  • all Athenians (rich or poor) are equal under the law
  • but death is the punishment for many crimes
  • debt slavery is OK (work as a slave to repay debts)
  • Solon’s reforms (594 BCE)
  • outlaws debt slavery
  • all Athenian citizens can speak at the assembly
  • any citizen can press charges against wrongdoers
  • more reforms (around 500 BCE):
  • allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate at the assembly
  • created the Council of Five Hundred (members chosen at random, to counsel the assembly)
  • can you see this leading to democracy?
  • but… only free adult male property owners born in Athens were considered citizens
  • sorry, women, slaves, “foreigners”
