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Kiva essay

  Kiva was founded in 2005 in San Fransisco and is an international nonprofit organization. Their mission is "to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. We celebrate and support people looking to create a better future for themselves, their families and their communities." Kiva donates 100% of every dollar lent to the organization to funding loans. In numbers, there are 2.6 million borrowers in over eighty countries. There are 1.7 million lenders and the repayment rate is 97.1%. 

  The process of Kiva starts off with a borrower applies for a loan then it goes through to get approved. The loan is then posted for lenders to help out. The loan is up for a certain amount of time and can be given increments of $25. Once the loan is completed all borrowers are repaid. It’s a fairly easy process and can help out many people with their needs. 

  Although I’m not donating, I wanted to focus on one person that I would possibly like to help in the future.  Someone that I connected to was Abrar from Jordan. Abrar needs a loan of $1,150 to help pay her college tuition fees for a a bachelor's degree in life sciences. Many people across the US have trouble paying for their tuition fee and clearly in other countries as well. Although all of the borrowers on Kiva are important I feel that ones dealing with education are extremely important. By sending Abrar and many other people to school through Kiva there's a better chance of us solving world problems. Kiva is a reliable and helpful website to all those in need and who are willing to give. 
