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Time Zones and Present Discussion

   Today's class blew my mind with our discussion of time zones and the past, present, and future. Mr Schick mentioned how it should be the same time in every area and I agree. I compared it to the fact that it is October in both Maryland and Australia but in Maryland it is fall and in Australia it is spring. So why does it have to be dark out when it's 10 o'clock? It can be the same time everywhere because the sun rising doesn't have to be the start of your day. Then we went on to talk about how there is no present. Before you say something it's in the future but as soon as you say it it's in the past making present not exist. Mr. Schick even drew a picture to show us how there is no present. We related it to calling the shadow in our class whose name is Autumn, fall. Mr Schick mentioned how he thought about it before (future) because he didn't know how she would react. Then once he said it it was in the past. We also took notes on Sir Sandford Fleming who said we should have the same time everywhere.

main points
  • Earth as a sphere is divided into 360º of longitude.
  • –Divide 360º by 24 time zones (one for each hour of day) equals 15º.
  • Each 15º band of longitude is assigned to a standard time zone.
  • Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is…
  • –Located at the prime meridian (0º longitude).
  • Passes through Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England
  • –Master reference time for all points on Earth.
