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The Top 25 Countries + Pastafarian

For class yesterday we finished the worksheet labeling the top twenty-five countries in the world. We had to label them on two maps, the Mercator and the Robinson map. I prefer the Mercator as it is what I've grown up seeing and it makes more sense to me the way it is all laid out. Then we all had to pick one country and state an interesting fact about it. I chose Madagascar and my fact was that the people are Catholic and Muslim and have a population of over 25 million people. The one I found the most interesting is the religion Pastafarian. The people worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster which I found to be very funny. They wear metal strainers and claim it is part of their religion and even say that they must wear them when taking their driver's license picture. Pastafarian religion is probably the most interesting religion I've ever heard of.
