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Climate Change

Today was a very sad day in human geo. Mr Schick told us the reason he wasn't here yesterday is because he had to put his dog down, Michael Doglas who was around twelve years old. I had a lab and we had to put him asleep when he was fourteen and I was in second grade. This was extremely hard for everyone but especially for my dad because he got him when he was in college. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to dig his grave and have to know he wouldn't be here soon. I love dogs almost more than people so hearing these stories really made me sad. It also made me think how sad I'd be if I had to put down my current dog. His name is Finley and he just turned four on Tuesday. We had a huge celebration with a cake and a dog ice cream for him. My mom even made him a birthday hat. He's a Cockapoo and he's really feisty to other people but loves my family especially, my mom. We eventually had to move away from the subject of dogs and discuss climate change. Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.  We discussed the importance of global warming and if people believed in it. Some people in my class doesn't think global warming is a problem. I believe it is crazy but real. It's honestly the only way to explain what's been going on so far. My mom is a science teacher at JC and she believes that it is definitely real. For two Christmas' it has seasonably warm. A lot of people argue that it's not real but there is definitely a change in climate on the planet. 
