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Class 10/6 Latitude and Longitude

The geographic grid is a system of imaginary arcs drawn in a grid pattern of Earth's surface.

Meridians are arcs drawn between the North and South poles. Each is numbered, according to a system known as longitude.

Values range from 0 (prime meridian) to 180 east or west longitude.

Parallels are arcs drawn parallel to the equator and at right angles to meridians. Each is numbered according to a system known as latitude.

values range from 0 (equator) to 90 north or south


circle grid from east to west

latitude = "climbing a ladder"

1 degree= 60 min

tropic of cancer= 23.5 N

tropic of Capricorn = 23.5 S

in between is the tropic

arctic circle= 66.5 N


antarctic circle = 66.5 S

meridian= longitude

coverage= at poles

skinny - thick - skinny

prime meridian= 0
in Greenwich, Uk
