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Pop Quiz 9/28

Today we had an interesting class that consisted of rearranging, shadows, stories, and pop quizzes.  I thought it was going to be a normal day but Mr. Schick had something different in mind. We said our prayer at the beginning of class and he mentioned that we have a pop quiz. I was shaken by the news as I hate pop quizzes with every ounce of my body. I feel students should be given time to prepare before tests so that they can perform well. After taking the test I felt I did ok. I checked the worksheet and noticed I only got two or three wrong so I guess the quiz wasn't that bad. It was fairly easy except the fact that I had just gotten told we were going to take it five minutes before the quiz was handed out. Hopefully we won't have this often because it brought a lot of unnecessary stress to me but it quickly went away when it was easy.
