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Blog review and Map Worksheet

Today in class we had a blog review/check. Mr. Schick called each of us up one by one to go over how our blog looks. He noted things such as:

  • The title should not be the date
  • change the format to make it easier to access and view posts 
Since I am the last in the alphabet for this class I had time to fix mine. The change made it easier to read and I like the set up better. I changed the titles so when we have an open blog quiz or test I will know where everything is. Mr. Schick complimented mine saying he liked the layout of my blog. The next thing we did is review our map worksheets we completed last week. This worksheet made us locate continents and countries so we could get to know our world a bit better. We had a big discussion about Brazil when it came up. We discussed how much money was not gained back after they hosted the Olympics and how they destroyed many people's houses who were poor.
