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"A Message to Garcia" notes

Today we talked about "A Message to Garcia" some key notes were

  • slipshod: putting a horseshoe on poorly and having it fall off
  • published in 1899
  • sold over 40 million copies
  • made into pamphlets 
  •  made into two motion pictures
  • written by Elbert Hubbard
We talked about the importances of each character and the essays we wrote. We took notes about important vocab that would be on future quizzes. We read through the essay and comprehended the vocab words that we didn't understand before. We saw a picture of a comparison between then and now. It was another Message to Garcia but this time in reply it was said that they would just tweet the person. My class and I understood where they were going but didn't feel it was accurate because the person wasn't giving up. They were just making it easier on themselves by tweeting it instead of delivering it but they were still getting the job done.
