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Why is Each Point on Earth Unique?

Why is Each Point on Earth Unique?
Each place on Earth is in some respects unique and in other ways similar to other places. The interplay between the uniqueness of each place and the similarities among places lies at the heart of geographic questioning about why things are found where they are. Two basic concepts help geographers to explain why every point on Earth is in some ways unique- place and region. The difference between two concepts is partly a matter of scale: a place is a point, whereas a region is an area.
We watched a video that Mr. Schick created about the fire drill. The sound of the alarm in the beginning kept being played which was almost as annoying as the actual thing

Region: an area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not only fixed boundaries
place: a particular position or point in space

(realized that Thursday I accidentally hit the save button instead of publish)
