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Mental Maps and Activity Spaces

Mental Maps and Activity Spaces
How do you describe where things are?
How do you describe your daily routine?

A mental map is a person's point-of-view perception of their area of interaction, most commonly called your activity space. 

Today in class we had to make a mental map of the world and a sketch of our path/routine to school. I think I did pretty well on my mental map. Of course, it wasn't perfect because I couldn't look at a map but my routine to school was the best. I had everything labeled and Mr. Schick loved it. Then we went on to looking up our addresses to see how correct we were. Even though i didn't check mine I knew I was correct because mine was extremely detailed and I go on it everyday. I think writing it out was a really cool to see everyone's ways to school. It helped me learned something I was familiar with but did not have memorized. 
