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Mercator vs Peter Maps

On Friday we learned about Mercator vs Peter maps. The mercator map is used in most schools and is the map people recognize. The mercator map distorts the world from what it actually looks like meaning some people don't realize how big some places are. It distorts the size and shape of objects approaching the poles. Mr. Schick showed us a video about people realizing the map we know is wrong. The important places are bigger than ones that are not. I am posting this on September 17 at 12:11 a.m as I remembered at 11:59 to do it. I have had a very hectic week. Im in a show that has required me to go to the University of Delaware tuesday-sunday right after I finish dance at JC. I had my first performance today and I got home about thirty minutes ago and just remembered this so I'm hoping I can at least get partial credit.


  1. You're getting full credit for this blog. I hope you're not spreading yourself too thin! Try to get some sleep - see you in class, Giovanna.


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