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9/11 and test

Today we discussed 9/11 and what information will be on our test tomorrow. Some things we discussed about 9/11 was where Mr. Schick was, students that were affected by it, and how everyone dealt with it. Exactly sixteen years ago the entire school went to mass like we did on Friday. Mr. Schick told us everyone was shocked and upset by the news. Most people imagined it to be tiny planes or even a helicopter to be flown into the Twin Towers, not a jet. Sadly, a girl who went to John Carroll her father was in it and passed. My mom always talks about it to me saying she remembers it like it was yesterday. Although it is sad, I find the topic quite interesting and would love to learn more about it by going to the museum in New York City. Then, we talked about our quiz tomorrow. Tomorrow we will have a 100 point test with four mini writing answers. We have to review things from Garcia, vocab, Ancient Greece, and Socrates.
