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First Day

           Giovanna Ward                                                                                                 8/29/17

                      Going through my first day at John Carroll consisted of more emotions than an entire year of middle school. Meeting new people, teachers and adjusting to the schedule is what made my first day so exciting. I'm used to having lunch in my homeroom with about thirty people so lunch was completely overwhelming and finding a place to sit is one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever experienced. Classes though, I settled into pretty easily so it wasn't much of a worry for me. One struggle I had was opening my locker. I come from a school where we didn't have any sorts of locks so it's been hard for me to adjust to having to do a combination every time I want to open my locker. Luckily, I haven't gotten lost yet which I thought would for sure happen. To me, all of the levels look the same so it's hard for me to tell where I am. Although these are all challenges now, I'm sure I'll look back within a couple of weeks and laugh at what scared me then.
