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Showing posts from March, 2018

Hellenistic Culture Conti

Mathematics and Physics Euclid wrote the book on geometry (elements) Archimedes  estimated value of pi, explained law of lever Archimedes Screw = could raise water from the ground Philosophy and art Epicureanism and stoicism (Zeno) founded the school of philosophy founded the school of thought Sculpture Colossus of Rhodes a bronze statue more than 100 ft high, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world 150 BC the Hellenistic world was in decline Rome was growing and gaining strength  difference forms between types of government describe philosophies socrates plato and aristotle describe progression greek civilization 

Hellenistic Culture

Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria Hellenistic culture: bled of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian Culture Trade and Culturally Diversity: Alexandria became a foremost center of commerce and culture/civilization Alexandria's Attractions: Alexander's coffin Pharo's lighthouse Library (500,000 Papyrus scrolls) Science and Technology Astronomy Aristarchus- found out that the sun is at least x300 bigger than the Earth Earth and Planets revolved around the sun Ptolemy- disagrees with Aristarchus says that Earth is center of universe, taught for next 14 centuries Eratosthenes- estimated the real size of Earth, says it's round

Alexander's Empire

Philip Builds Macedonia Empire Philip is Alexander's dad and king of Macedonia King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and WON! He was going to conquer Persia, but he was murdered  Alexander Names Himself King at 20 years old Alexander defeats Persia (Darius III) when young tutored by Aristotle, and relied on the Illiad Alexander vs Darius A is outnumbered by Darius's army, but wins anyways Crowned Pharaoh in 332 BC he told them he was a God Alexander's Army moves East to Mesopotamia Darius's army outnumbered again with HUGE army; Battle at Gaugamela Alexander used Phalanx and won, again Alexander continues East to Persepolis, burned and destroyed it (took money/gold) Alexander's Other Conquests now reigned as unchallenged ruler of Southwest Asia 326 BCE Hydaspes River, defeats India been fighting for 11 years and marched 11,000 miles army turned home 323 BC Army reaches Babylon Alexander settled there Alexander died at 32 years ol...


Today in class my group presented our Ancient Greece Project. We did ours on the pottery of Ancient Greece. My group consisted of Anna, Kelsie, Sofia, Jillian, and I. We worked on a clay vase after school for a couple of days and it turned out really well. The presentation went well and we had videos to show everyone how we made the vase. Then for the rest of class we took notes from the textbook on the next chapter. We also talked about wether it would snow tomorrow and if we would have off. Personally, I want spring to come and I don't want to make up days at the end of the year but I like being off so I'm not sure.

Project Presentations ~ Day 1

Today, we watched some groups present their Ancient Greece project. Three groups presented the first one being Chase, Faith, Maddy, and Ellie. They brought in food and had a really good presentation. The next group was Owen and Ben. They knew they're topic really well and made a great representation of a Trireme. Last for today was Aiden, Dom, Vlad, and Frankie. They did their project on Greek wars and weapons. Aiden even made a triton spear and created a video to show how they made it. All the groups were very knowledgable in their subject and I am excited for my group to present on Monday once everyone is here.

Ancient Greece project

Today was our final class time to work on our Ancient Greece projects that are due Tuesday. My group went to the art wing to finish our vase. We attached the new, smoothed it out, added handles, and a seashell to it. Mr. Gaudreau said he would put it i the kiln either tonight or Monday so we will have time to paint it before the due date. Jillian finished the paper so that's out of the way. So all we have to do over the weekend is set up our presentation. Kelsie is making a powerpoint talking about art in Ancient Greece and I'm making a video showing how we made our vase. Before this week started, my group didn't even know what our topic is. But now, we're over halfway done and will be ready to present on Tuesday. I'm really proud of my group on how far we've come and I'm excited to see the finished project.

Project Day

    Today, Mr Schick let us work on our Ancient Greece projects in class. My group officially decided that we would do our project on the art of Ancient Greece. Since you need to bring something in that corresponds with your project we thought it would be cool to make a vase of our own. At first, we decided on going to Amazing Glaze, our local making pottery shop but thought of an awesome idea to make it at the school. The art teacher at JC, Mr. Gaudreau helped us after school to make a vase and so far it looks really good. We video taped us making the vase and will create a video as part of our presentation to show the class the process. I think our project will turn out great and I really appreciate Mr. Gaudreau taking his free time to help us out.

Plato's allegory of the Cave

allegory- story, poem, or picture that contains a hidden moral or message Koans synchronicity confined since birth chained facing wall only light was fire behind them identify things they'd see didn't see them directly; shadow found the light disorienting shadows appeared much clearer light is the ultimate source of everything he has seen when tries to free others, they think he is dumb and refuse/ resist to come out to the real world most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance but hostile to anyone who points it out two different signs no Athenian democracy yes Philosopher kings things in the physical world are flawed reflections ideal forms exist in the mind of a creator grouping actual things into abstract terms to wonder if the things outside the cave are any more real than the shadows

Logic & notes 2/28

Logic- is the philosopher's toolbox logic is about reasoning, giving strong arguments that don't fall victim to fallacies Step 1: try to understand step 2: critical evaluation metaphysics- the branch of philosophy that studies the nature epistemology- the branch of philosophy that studies the nature and scope of nature value theory ethics- studies and evaluates the human conduct aesthetics- studies nature of beauty synchronicity things in time join deja vu - already seen is everything real? how do i know if i am right? how will i ever know i'm wrong? can i ever be certain about anything? should i treat strangers different than the people I love?