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Showing posts from November, 2017

Population Video Continued

Today, we continued to watch the video with Hans Rosling. In the section we watched he talked about how the population was growing in countries according the WW2. We then went on the topic about North Korea and them launching missiles. It definitely freaked me out because a target could be DC which is not far from Harford County. My classmates had very different opinions on what the USA should do but Mr Schick mentioned that we normally aren't the ones to fire first. We also talked about our allies and being allies with other countries. This topic is very debatable and I think my class could've gone another class discussing it.

Population Video Notes

countries go through phases of development demographic transition~ as a pre industrial society -> industrial -> post industrial industrialization -> the society being changed/improved big movement from rural -> cities from industrialization  get closer to jobs in cities  birth and death rate are lower Russia = weird pyramid due to WW2 Hans Rosling  teaches global health 1810 life expectancy: 40 or less UK + Netherlands were higher

Population Test Returned

Today Mr Schick returned our population tests. I received an 87% which I’m actually pretty happy with as I didn’t feel too confident with the test. I only got six wrong, some of them being stupid mistakes. I got a negative number for a subtraction problem that should’ve been positive. Then I got a couple wrong with the population pyramids and the choosing betweeen three countries problems. However, I appreciated us going over the test as it helped me understand my mistakes. It definitely does stink though if I would’ve gotten one more correct I would’ve gotten an A but that’s ok. But overall I’m pretty happy with how I did.

Kiva essay

  Kiva was founded in 2005 in San Fransisco and is an international nonprofit organization. Their mission is " to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. We celebrate and support people looking to create a better future for themselves, their families and their communities." Kiva donates 100% of every dollar lent to the organization to funding loans. In numbers, there are 2.6 million borrowers in over eighty countries. There are 1.7 million lenders and the repayment rate is 97.1%.    The process of Kiva starts off with a borrower applies for a loan then it goes through to get approved. The loan is then posted for lenders to help out. The loan is up for a certain amount of time and can be given increments of $25. Once the loan is completed all borrowers are repaid. It’s a fairly easy process and can help out many people with their needs.    Although I’m not donating, I wanted to focus on one person that I would possibly like to help in the future....

Kiva Research

Today in class we talked about some extra credit opportunities we have. It deals with, a website to loan money to borrowers in need an eventually receive the money back. We spent some time in class today looking at researching how it works, and the different types of borrowers on the website. You can search up any country and or category and it will bring up a list of people asking for money. It's a reliable website that helps people in need. criteria: To earn five extra credit points: Research . Describe your findings, such as their goals, methods, efficiency, and reputation. Research potential borrowers. Find at least two borrowers and describe their business, their reasons for wanting a microloan, their past history, etc. Look at the big picture. Check out the city and country they live in, and describe what effect their location has on their need to borrow. Write your findings in an essay and post it to your blog. This should be a wel...

Population Test

Today we took our quiz on population and I think I did pretty well. The first page was really easy since we got to use world fact book and had 15 minutes to complete it. The fill in the blank part was pretty easy as well and I'm hoping that I got all of those correct. Probably the hardest section for me was the "do the math section" although I felt good about most of the questions there were some that stumped me. I felt good about my push and pull forces I just hope they're specific enough. The population pyramid part I felt fine on although I definitely did get a couple wrong. So overall I feel pretty good about this test and hopefully I receive a good grade on it.

Test Review

Today in class Mr Schick went over what would be on the test tomorrow. The following things will be on the test 11/17: Know- crude death rate infant mortality rate life expectancy total fertility rate net migration rate GDP per capita population growth rate rate of natural increase population pyramid push force pull force Also we can go by (population powerpoint)

Charity Navigator + Projects

Today we started off class with letting a few of my classmates retake the pop quiz for a second time. I thought this was nice of mr Schick to let the couple of people have the opportunity to retake the test like the rest of the class did. Then three more groups presented and they each did pretty well. Ben and Chase went and they had minor errors but overall did pretty well. Frankie's project was very long and detailed which showed through his presentation. Owen went last and he did pretty well with very detailed answers. Then we went on a website called Charity Navigator where you search a charity and see how reliable they are and how much money actually goes into the cause they're supporting.

Pop Quizzes and Projects

In class on Friday Mr Schick let us retake the pop quiz which was very nice of him. I got a 6/20 on the first one, dropping my grade to a 46% so this retake was greatly appreciated. I’m pretty sure I got a 16/20 so hopefully it will bring my grade up from an F. We then went over our projects we had for homework. My group had ours reviewed first and we each read one of the questions and explained the answer. We did pretty well and ending up getting a 50/50.

3 Types of Population Pyramids

the Xmas tree                                        developing nation                           growth rates are slow                      high birth rate                                  short life expectancy                         Examples: Namibia; Bangladesh             The Box                                                      developed nation; slow growth             slow infant mortality rate...

Review and Population Pyramid

  Review Today in class we had a delicious chocolate cake brought in by Owen. Although, he forgot to bring utensils, plates, and napkins so it was hard to cut and eat but I managed because it was so good. While we did all of this Mr Schick went over the powerpoint and explained things in more detail. One thing that was cleared up was the TFR and how it has to be 2.1. Since no woman can have 2.1 babies you find the average between the women which then equals 2.1. Pyramids We use population pyramid to analyze growth (or decline) of fertility, morality, and migration in the cities.

Total Fertility Rate

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) an average number of children born per woman for a population to remain the same, TFR must be 2.1 higher than 2.1: population rises lower than 2.1: population falls World TFR: 2.42 (it was 2.54 three years ago and 2.47 two years ago) US TFR: 2.01 (it was 2.06 two years ago) Nigeria TFR: 6.89 ( developing nation) Japan TFR: 1.40 ( developed nation, aging population) CIA Factbook Questions What is the population of the US? 326,625,791 What is the infant mortality rate and the US rank? A: 5.8 deaths/ 1000 live births; rank 169 which country has the highest percent of Catholics? Mexico 82.7%, Canada: 39%, US: 20.8%  What country has the largest population in Africa? Nigeria ( 190,632,261) Rank 7